
Learn more about me

Software Engineer; Backend & Fullstack Developer

An avid Software Engineer with an intrinsic love for writing code to solve complex issues.

I am a Software Engineer who is passionate about using the best available and efficient cutting-edge technology to create highly available and robust software systems. I have my main interest and expertise in backend and full-stack web development, working with technologies such as Java, Spring Boot, Vanilla JS, MEAN, Python, and Flask.

  • Likes: Open Mindedness and Sincerity
  • Favorite Quote: "Brevity is the soul of wit"
  • Degree: Masters

Technologies & Frameworks

Java 90%
Python 95%
JavaScript 85%
Node JS 85%
MongoDB 90%
SQL 85%
SpringBoot 90%
Angular 80%
Flask 85%
Express JS 90%
Jira 85%
Git 85%


Web Development

Machine Learning

Financial Technology


Big Data





My Projects


Clone of WhatsApp Web, built with React and Socket.IO.

Music Web App

This is a music web app built with the MEAN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, Node.js


Drone Web Service

A drone RESTFul web service with endpoints to handle requests for managing drones used for transporting medications.. Technologies used; Java, Spring Boot, H2, Hibernate, Docker


Loan Default RESTful API, exposes a machine learning model service that predicts applicants to be granted loans based on applicant information passed to the API. Built with Flask, catboost machine learning algorithm, scikit-learn, deployed on Heroku


A Proof of Concept Application, running several microservices in a Kubernetes cluster, which uses location data from mobile devices to match users with possible connections made at conferences. Some technologies used, Flask, GRPC, Kafka.


A metric dashboard with multiple graphs for monitoring a sample application that is deployed on a kubernetes cluster.


A microservice with APIs to handle requests to view users, accounts, and statements by performing a simple search on dates and amount ranges. Technologies used: Java, Spring Boot, Docker, H2


A Wedding Website with a gift registry integrated with Paystack's (Stripe) payment system. Technologies used; CSS, Html, Spring MVC, Thymeleaf.


A REST API for Stores which provides resources about the store and store items This is built with Flask, Flask-RESTful, Flask-JWT, and Flask-SQLAlchemy. Deployed on Heroku.


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827 455 8466

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